Module 8B: Relationship between Man and Woman
- Who is better or Superior?
- In Islam, the criteria of being better or superior does not depend upon;
- Gender, Colour, Language, nationality, etc..
- The better person among you is he or she who is more pious among you.
- Relationship between husband and wife in Islam
- They are like garments for each other
- Mutual respect
- Comforting for each other
- Protecting each other
- Beauty of each other
- Trusting each other
- Satisfying each other
- Compromise
- Intimate relationship is sacred. Not for display
- Marrying woman ONLY for sexual pleasure is not sacred
- What is meant by “man is more powerful over woman”?
- Monogamy Vs. polygamy
- Is Western Society monogamous?
- Children out of wedlock in the West
- No secret in Islam
- Islam prefers single marriages
- Multiple marriages allowed but discouraged
- Which way is better? Multiple marriages with accountability and responsibility OR have multiple partners with no accountability and responsibility.